winner don harvey

Congratulations to Don Harvey for winning the $1,000.00 cash giveaway on July 06, 2024! Mr. Harvey graciously donated the winnings back to the Baseball Complex Project.

The $1,000.00 cash giveaway was sponsored by Michael and Donna Jean McIntosh and Top Notch Roofing and Construction (Aaron Stuckey).

A 50/50 grant was applied for and granted by Arkansas Parks and Tourism. The grant will provide for our baseball program and community a concession, ADA bathrooms (federal law to be in compliance), storage space, a dining pavilion, and a walk way from handicap parking to field one and the complex.

During this individual fundraising event, over $5,700 was raised! To date, $112,431.19 has been raised (other donations and an additional grant incoming), which is over 70% of our goal!!

You may still donate to the Baseball Complex Project at Des Arc City Hall, F&M Bank, or online at

In kind donations are also being accepted. Information and forms are provided at Des Arc City Hall.

Project will begin Summer 2024.